Comprehensive Chargemaster CDM Review Update
Our Comprehensive Charge Description Master CDM Review update includes analysis of inpatient and outpatient charges and all clinic charges maintained in the CDM and impacted by CMS PPS. HMI will review all CDM line items for accuracy of the CPT®/HCPCS, UB revenue code, and modifier assignment for compliance with federal and MAC/FI rules and regulations, price comparison vs allowable reimbursement levels and descriptions for meeting hospital’s internal standards. HMI will identify all line items for addition, modification, and deactivation, as well as price comparison vs. allowable reimbursement levels. Concurrently, we will provide a coding and billing helpline by phone, fax, or email for the term of the contract. With HMI’s leading Hospital Chargemaster Review , Compliance Review and Audit Services and strategic pricing solutions, you can optimize charges and model the net revenue impact to maintain the bottom line.